Derron’s experience at the VWC.
To start we were given group tasks to do, making a lorum ipsum generator. A website that allows you to generate different lengths of lorem ipsum (we based ours on fruit) with varying lengths. The task was divided equally allowing me to work on the java script elements of the page which put me outside my comfort zone but allowed me to develop more skills in that area.
As external challenges I was tasked with being a project manager and creating a document that was to be presented to people to show the skills of those I am working with along with how we will handle different projects and how we deal with certain scope.
I was also tasked to create a website using nothing more than HTML and CSS, this is proving difficult at the moment as I usually use a mixture of JavaScript and bootstrap elements to create the front end designs before moving onto the back-end. This task is forcing me to use different methods and research to get a similar outcome.
We were also given a WordPress website to use and gain experience using its functionality not only that but Canva and to join a Trello. Teaching me how to use different features and functions of already existing software to help my career and make things easier in the future by expanding my knowledge.