Village Web Company CIC

Helping everyone make the most of the internet


Eva’s First Remote Working Experience

I thank the universe every day that I exist in a time where we can work remotely. Whether that’s from the comfort of your own bed, stood at one of those free standing ergonomic desks that cost way too much, or sat at the kitchen island in your new uni digs – like me. Going […]

Teaching Web Development with Boring Website Workshops

I decided to teach the young people a little bit about building websites by showing them how to edit some HTML (Hypertext Mark Up Language) The children thoroughly enjoyed it and several asked for more information so that they could carry on at home.

HTML is the code that all websites are made with and although lots of things in web development can be difficult to learn, HTML is quite easy, especially compared to most programming languages.

Last day at placement – Callum & Jacob

We have had a great time here, learning new skills including, web design, Canva, coding, Tinkercad and much more. We hope to use these new skills in the future to be able to develop our future ideas. Thanks Claire!

Matthew’s final work placement day

Throughout the past 5 months, I have learnt a lot that has helped prepare me for my future career. It has been a great experience working in a business and being involved in the work process. WordPress I have developed my WordPress skills significantly since I started, learning how to use appropriates themes and personalise […]

Shahzaib’s final day at placement

3D Printer 315 hours are now over, I’ve done a lot in that time and learned a ton. One thing I learned at the village web company is using a 3D printer, this caught my attention as I thought it was very interesting. The 3D printer allowed us to print virtually anything however we were […]

Manraj’s Final Blog

During my week here I have made and posted content for Village Web Company CIC, Created a E-safety guide to keep people safe whilst gaming, created and printed my Christmas design and created a Google spreadsheet about girls with ADHD.

Ethan ‘my week at village web company’.

I have redesigned a website to the best of my abilities in wordpress and in my opinion it has turned out pretty well. I have currently made all the pages for the website. If I were to do it again I would probably add more pictures to the pages and choose a more customizable theme […]

General E-Safety

Nowadays technology is so prevalent that kids under 3 will have access to technology and will regularly use it their whole life. With such technology there comes a lot of risks, one such being videogames, videogames and apps are not necessarily bad, however sometimes the people on the games or the social media apps can […]

Guide on using HTML

The way to make a website using HTML is actually quite simple, here is a few steps on how to get started: Step 1: First make a folder and save it somewhere where you can easily access it for example, your desktop Step 2: Open up your code editor, for me its VS code, once […]