Village Web Company CIC

Helping everyone make the most of the internet

Ela’s final blogpost

July 31st, 2023 by Ela

During my last week of placement, I’ve finished a few projects such as the word generator site and site templates.
This placement has been very good and has allowed me to develop, practice and implement new skills, such as javascript, front end development and backend development.

Overall this placement has been very good.

Ela’s work experience 4

July 28th, 2023 by Ela

During the past few days I have created a few projects. These are:

  • Random word generator
  • Front page template
  • Login template

The random word generator works by clicking a button on the site which then gives u a random word out of a list.
The front and login templates are made with HTML CSS and javascript.

Ela’s work experience 3

July 26th, 2023 by Ela

During my last week of placement I have created numerous demo sites which can be shown to clients.
These are all built by scratch without any frameworks such as bootstrap.

Ela’s Work Experience 2

July 21st, 2023 by Ela

During this placement I have worked on a range of tasks.
One of them was a snake AI using Javascript HTML and CSS. This site has two types. One of them is a basic snake game with an AI. The first one is just a snake game, the AI is you playing against the AI in snake.

I also helped debug a client project.

Ela’s work experience

July 4th, 2023 by Ela

During the start we was given a group project to work on, this was the Lorem Ipsum generator. This is a website which generates different lengths of lorem ipsum text to your liking. Furthermore, I have explored new tools such as WordPress which is good for building and editing sites.

Currently, I am practicing my JavaScript skills. I’ve done this by making a snake game with just HTML,CSS and JS. I’m also making an AI to play this game (using JS).