Village Web Company CIC

Helping everyone make the most of the internet

Digital Champions

Recently I attended a digital champions online meeting to receive a bit of training around the topic of digital exclusion.

Digital exclusion is where a section of the population have continuing unequal access and capacity to use Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) that are essential to fully participate in society.

During the meeting I was made aware of the methods behind making sure everyone from all backgrounds and ability are able to access and use anything digital in whatever way they need to.

There’s many reasons why people may potentially be digitally excluded ranging from having no previous experience using digital devices, no person to mentor and guide them, embarrassment, fear, lack of funds to buy a digital device in the first place or maybe they don’t know where to get a device from a safe and reputable place.

The variables as to why are endless.

Digital champions are approachable individuals who can share enthusiasm and knowledge of digital with colleagues and service users in an easy to understand way.

One of the reasons why I attended the meeting with digital champions is because here at VillageWebCompany a variety of people with different levels of skill regarding digital come into the shop for advice and help. That is one of the many things we are proud to do when given the opportunity. The training helped to make sure I was giving the correct feedback to people who feel excluded and taking the correct approach to each situation.