Village Web Company CIC

Helping everyone make the most of the internet

Further Developing Our 3DA Skills

July 4th, 2024 by Matthew

We have decided to further advance our 3D prints into a more colourful variety of models.

We have tried different types of filament for 3DA. So far, we have tried a multi-coloured material, a shiny blue material, and recently a pink material that also has a shine to it.

We have also expanded on the different type of objects we are printing. This involves more complex and detailed models, and also larger models. The baby dragon is the most complex object that we have printed, and the cat bowl is the largest that has been printed.

To advance even further, we wanted to design our own model to print, so we decided to create a square that has our logo engraved on it. This was accomplished using the software Inkscape and FreeCAD.

Matthew’s WordPress Skill Development

June 18th, 2024 by Matthew

Recently, I have developed my skills on WordPress through my own personal project of creating a portfolio website, and applying these skills to other websites.

This is a part of my homepage on my portfolio website. This makes use of the navigation bar, which provides links to the corresponding pages, and the get in touch button.

My website uses the plugins: Ninja Forms, Wordfence Security, and WPvivid Backup. The contact page for my website was created using the Ninja Forms plugin.

This contact page is fully functional. The user is required to fill every field, and when the user submits the message, it gets sent to the submissions page on the admin dashboard for Ninja Forms, and it also gets sent to my email address inbox. The user also gets confirmation of the message being sent through their email inbox.

How have I applied this skill?

Understanding Ninja Forms has allowed me to apply this skill to a clients website to help build their contact page.

This contact page does not have the requirements for the email field and the phone field being filled, so the user can choose which information they want to give.

Jake’s Work Placement Week 2

July 17th, 2023 by Jake

This is currently my second week of my placement at The Village Web Company. During this week, I have been working on a few different projects which I have quite enjoyed doing.

This weeks projects

During this week I had a few main projects that I had the opportunity to work on a few projects.

  • Help Desk Prototype
  • Village Web Company CRM Prototype System
  • Client Website

Client Website

During this project I was able to assist with making alterations to a client’s website this allowed me to have the ability to see how a project would work when a client asks for some modifications to an already built website.

Additionally during this project I was able to fix a few bugs which was affecting the website at the time. I did this by remaking an aspect of the website.

CRM Prototype

Within the office, we had a discussion about potentially turning some internal documents about clients to a digital version that would allow easier access to information for staff. After discussing this, we had a chat about potentially creating a solution that could help provide this for the company.

Currently I am working on a prototype which should be used to test if this is a feasible project and something that could benefit the company in the long term.

Additionally within the creation of this project, I have use the company branding to try and create a site that will match with the companies brand even though this would be an internal site that cannot be accessed by outside users.

In the next week, I am hoping to have some of the core functionality working as intended. After that I’m hoping that I will be able to make the website look better.

Help Desk Prototype

Since last week, I have created a few design documents and had a few discussions on the best ways we could develop this solution in a way that would provide the most value to the company.